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from your fav ladies of Lyons

"Put yourself out there! Stay a few extra minutes in the Lair to talk to new people. Reach out to the upperclassman (they want to get to know you). Above all, give yourself the patience to adjust. People settle in at different paces."

"Work on getting along with your roommate (you don’t have to be best friends, it’s great if you are), but focus on living together well, that means communicating well about pet peeves what’s happening in your week, etc.). Keep your door open... it’s a great way of meeting new people in Lyons!"

"We are SO excited to have you as the newest member of the Lyons family and CANNOT wait to spread the Lyons Love. Don't be scared to reach out to any and all of us- we are your new family and always here for you!"

"Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone. You will thank yourself later!"

"This is such a wonderful community to be a part of. Take some time to appreciate the beauty of St. Mary’s Lake, the arch, and the Lyons chapel; you belong here and this is going to be a great year."

"I know it’s a cheesy slogan but Notre Dame truly is home for so many of us and I hope you are able to find your home here too. We wish you luck along your journey and have your back every step of the way. Lyons Love!"

"Don’t be afraid to say yes- sometimes the best moments are the result of spontaneity and you need to be ready to embrace it!"

"It may seem like Lyons is a long walk from everything, but being able to come back at the end of a long day and separate yourself from school and work is amazing. Also, definitely take advantage of being by the lakes - there's nothing that a walk or a run around St. Mary's can't fix! Know that you're already loved and supported by all the women of Lyons, and we're so excited to have you!"

"Know that you belong and are loved abundantly here. We are thrilled to call you a part of our Notre Dame family, and can’t wait for you to be a part of our fun events and traditions. Be patient with yourself and keep an open mind as you get started, and go chase those incredible opportunities awaiting you!"

"Welcome to the best, sweetest, most welcoming hall. Lyons it truly an amazing place where everyone cares about one another. Please reach out if you need anything to upperclassmen in Lyons- we are all eager to help!"

"The Grotto is such a special place. I remember when I was in you shoes, and I was so nervous about embarking on the new journey of college. Just know you have the support of all the girls in Lyons who are here to make ND feel like family."

"Be yourself and try to make connections! When you look back on these 4 years, you will remember spontaneous moments with friends, not late nights studying. Live a little!"

"Join a bunch of clubs! Even if there are some that seem like they could be fun but you're not sure yet, still join them! It's a great way to meet people in the first few weeks! Your first year is a great time to explore what you may be interested in. Once you figure out which ones interest you the most, you can narrow them down and really focus on just a few of them as an upperclassman in leadership/board positions."

"You will love it here as you learn and you have over a hundred upperclassmen you are right behind you every step of the way. Good luck with the best 4 years of your life!"

"We’re all happy to finally have you here with us! We hope you make most of your time at ND and look at the bright side always. After all, college is about figuring out who you are and what you like. ¡Buena suerte!"

"Always remember what brought you here: your drive, your intelligence, your curiosity, your courage, your kindness, and (most importantly) your unique and genuine self."

"So excited that you got sorted into the best hall ever! It’s only the best hall because of the people who make it that way, though- so lucky we have you to keep up the tradition. You got into ND for a reason- you’re caring, smart, and unique. Don’t forget that! You’ve got this- college has NOTHING on you."

"Make the most of the small moments, work hard because it’s worth it, explore opportunities with an open mind. Best of luck and go Irish!"

"Be yourself. This is the place to discover who you are- make mistakes, make memories, and make a name for yourself! Also, establish a workout/exercise routine for yourself. Keeping healthy is hard, and it’s great to start early!"

"Be open to experiences and all the best will come to you. I hope everything starts well and you begin to feel at home and a part of the Lyons family!"

"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

"You got dis! Everything you did to get here is more than enough reasoning for your future success here. Don't feel intimidated--be confident, you are smart, beautiful, and capable of anything."

"Please know that you can talk to us if you ever need anything; going to college is fun and liberating but can be scary and lonely at times."

"BE OPEN. try a bunch of things that interest you, reach out to hang with the people you meet welcome weekend, oo also go to office hours (even if you're not struggling - building relationships with your teachers, especially within your concentration, is super great)"

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